Nonlinear behavior modeled using dynamic networks such as sigmoid and wavelet
Use nonlinear ARX models to represent nonlinearities in your system using dynamic nonlinearity estimators such as wavelet networks, tree-partitioning, and sigmoid networks. In the toolbox, these models are represented as idnlarx objects. You can estimate Nonlinear ARX models in theSystem Identificationapp, or at the command line using thenlarxcommand.
System Identification | Identify models of dynamic systems from measured data |
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Model Estimation
idnlarx | Nonlinear ARX model |
nlarx | Estimate parameters of nonlinear ARX model |
nlarxOptions | Option set for nlarx |
isnlarx | Detect nonlinearity in estimation data |
init | Set or randomize initial parameter values |
getpvec | Obtain model parameters and associated uncertainty data |
setpvec | Modify values of model parameters |
Model Regressors
linearRegressor | Specify linear regressor for nonlinear ARX model (Since R2021a) |
polynomialRegressor | Specify polynomial regressor for nonlinear ARX model (Since R2021a) |
periodicRegressor | Specify periodic regressor for nonlinear ARX model (Since R2022a) |
customRegressor | Specify custom regressor for nonlinear ARX model (Since R2021a) |
getreg | Regressor expressions and numerical values in nonlinear ARX model |
polyreg | (Not recommended) Powers and products of standard regressors |
customreg | (Not recommended) Custom regressor for nonlinear ARX models |
addreg | (Not recommended) Add custom regressors to nonlinear ARX model |
Nonlinear and Linear Mapping Objects
idWaveletNetwork | Wavelet network function for nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models |
idSigmoidNetwork | Sigmoid network function for nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models |
idTreePartition | Tree-partitioned nonlinear function for nonlinear ARX models |
idCustomNetwork | Custom network function for nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models |
idLinear | Linear mapping object for nonlinear ARX models |
idGaussianProcess | Gaussian process regression mapping function for nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2021b) |
idTreeEnsemble | Decision tree ensemble mapping function for nonlinear ARX models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2021b) |
idSupportVectorMachine | Support vector machine regression mapping function for nonlinear ARX models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2022a) |
idNeuralNetwork | Multilayer neural network mapping function for nonlinear ARX models and Hammerstein-Wiener models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox or Deep Learning Toolbox) (Since R2023b) |
idFeedforwardNetwork | (Not recommended) Multilayer feedforward neural network mapping function for nonlinear ARX models (requires Deep Learning Toolbox) |
evaluate | Evaluate output values of idnlarx or idnlhw mapping object array for given set of input values |
Simulation, Prediction, and Validation
sim | Simulate response of identified model |
simOptions | Option set for sim |
predict | Predict identified model K-step-ahead output |
predictOptions | Option set for predict |
compare | Compare identified model output with measured output |
compareOptions | Option set for compare |
forecast | Forecast identified model output |
forecastOptions | Option set for forecast |
nlarxPlot | Plot nonlinearity of nonlinear ARX model (Since R2023a) |
evaluate | Evaluate output values of idnlarx or idnlhw mapping object array for given set of input values |
getDelayInfo | Get input/output delay information for idnlarx model structure |
idnlarx/findop | Compute operating point for Nonlinear ARX model |
findopOptions | Option set for findop |
idnlarx/operspec | Construct operating point specification object for idnlarx model |
idnlarx/linearize | Linearize nonlinear ARX model |
linapp | Linear approximation of nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models for given input |
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Nonlinear ARX Model | Simulate nonlinear ARX model in Simulink software |
Iddata Sink | Export simulation data as iddata object to MATLAB workspace |
Iddata Source | Import time-domain data stored in iddata object in MATLAB workspace |
- What are Nonlinear ARX Models?
Understand the structure of a nonlinear ARX model.
- Available Mapping Functions for Nonlinear ARX Models
Choose from sigmoid, wavelet, tree partition, linear,neural, and custom network nonlinearities.
- Identifying Nonlinear ARX Models
Specify the Nonlinear ARX structure, and configurethe estimation algorithm.
- Identify Nonlinear Black-Box Models Using System Identification App
- Estimate Nonlinear ARX Models at the Command Line
- Estimate Nonlinear ARX Models Initialized Using Linear ARX Models
- Validate Nonlinear ARX Models
Plot model nonlinearities, analyze residuals, andsimulate and predict model output.
- Using Nonlinear ARX Models
Simulate, predict, and forecast model output, linearizenonlinear ARX models, and import estimated models into the Simulink® software.
- Linear Approximation of Nonlinear Black-Box Models
Choose the approach for computing linear approximations, compute operating points for linearization, and linearize your model.
- How the Software Computes Nonlinear ARX Model Output
How the software evaluates the output of nonlinearityestimators and uses this output to compute the model response.
Featured Examples
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Open Live Script
Open Live Script
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